Indoor WNT Set to Hold Training Camp in North Carolina This December

by USA Team Handball

USA Team Handball's Indoor Women's National Team has announced a training camp on American soil this December, set to be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

The camp will take place from December 1st (arrival day) to December 3rd (departure post 5 PM). This camp offers a unique platform to exhibit athletes' talents, particularly for those who haven't previously been part of a national team camp.

WNT Assistant Coach Hendrik Schultze says this camp will allow the athletes based in America to showcase their skills in an effort to be a part of the WNT athlete pool moving forward into the "next phase" of the team's development.

"This camp kickstarts our efforts to build the Senior WNT pool in the US. Many athletes were unable to attend the recent camp in France so this camp in North Carolina will be much easier to reach for our US-based players," Schultze says. "We are looking forward to reconnecting with players we already know and have been at our camps and tournaments before, as well as seeing athletes who have either identified or looking to try handball for the first time."

Questions should be sent to either Edina Borsos, WNT Head Coach, at or Hendrik Schultze, WNT Assistant Coach, at

To register for the training camp, please visit: