USA Team Handball Seeking Beach Athlete Director To Serve On Board Of Directors And AAC


by USA Team Handball

USA Team Handball (USATH) is seeking applications for a Beach Athlete Director to serve on the USA Team Handball Athletes' Advisory Council and as an Athlete Representative on the USATH Board of Directors.  
While the Beach Athlete Director will not be a member of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee Athletes' Advisory Council, the qualifications for this position are very similar. The role is currently filled by Bill Bigham. 

The application process will begin on February 8, 2021 and close on February 26, 2021. This position is to be filled by a Beach Handball athlete (male or female) who competed in the IHF Beach World Championships, the Pan American Beach Championships or its successor, the NORCA Beach Championships, the World Beach Games or the World Games in the last 10 years. 

USATH will distribute the list of eligible nominees, along with statements of intent and other candidate submissions, disclosures, and voting instructions to all eligible voting members by March 1, 2021. Voting will take place virtually.

The term for the Beach Athlete Director shall run from March 15, 2021 through December 31, 2024 and will be available to run for re-election if they remain eligible within the 10-year athlete rule.

If you are interested in serving as the “Beach Athlete Director,” please send an email stating your interest and submit a biographical overview to the USATH AAC co-chairs at the following email addresses:


Please reach out to Michael or Julia with any questions about the role or about time commitment for the position.

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